Some people love it when a historic church is converted to a residence. They adore the high ceilings; the feeling of space that comes with no interior walls (until you add them, of course). Other people find that space to be overwhelming, too vast to create a sense of home. I really think that it depends on the way that the space is used and, of course, on personal taste.

I found (and loved!) this church-converted-home while I was waiting at my daughter’s ballet class. Usually I read a book or chat to the other parents, but on this day there was no one around and my book was not that interesting. So I was wasting time looking at the news (ha, it’s the Daily Mail, I was reading about celebrities). This house was featured in an article and I thought that it was so lovely that I had to share it with everyone on Instagram.

So here are the details on this home. It’s on the market for NZ$2,599,000 (approx AUD$2,500,000) and is located in Devonport, which is a harbourside suburb of Auckland. It’s a 1910 church that has been converted into a luxury home.

Let’s take a look inside…..

Behind the church is a building used for Sunday School – the current owners converted this building into a bed & breakfast
Before the renovation
This luscious green pathway was added during the renovation process
Glass, steel and oak staircase connecting upper and lower levels of the home.
Spacious bedrooms with glorious roof lines
One of my favourite rooms in the house

More details and information can be found in the listing.