Some people love it when a historic church is converted to a residence. They adore the high ceilings; the feeling of space that comes with no interior walls (until you add them, of course). Other people find that space to be overwhelming, too vast to create a sense of home. I really think that it depends on the way that the space is used and, of course, on personal taste.
I found (and loved!) this church-converted-home while I was waiting at my daughter’s ballet class. Usually I read a book or chat to the other parents, but on this day there was no one around and my book was not that interesting. So I was wasting time looking at the news (ha, it’s the Daily Mail, I was reading about celebrities). This house was featured in an article and I thought that it was so lovely that I had to share it with everyone on Instagram.
So here are the details on this home. It’s on the market for NZ$2,599,000 (approx AUD$2,500,000) and is located in Devonport, which is a harbourside suburb of Auckland. It’s a 1910 church that has been converted into a luxury home.
Let’s take a look inside…..

More details and information can be found in the listing.
Thanks for sharing!